
Vietnam is planning to build 1000 MW of wind power capacity by year 2020. The country requires a detailed study on (i) evaluation of technical impacts on the grid, (ii) technical standards for the interconnection, and (iii) the integration of wind power into the emerging competitive market. RMA was selected through a competitive process to conduct study (ii) and to develop a detailed review of (i) analysis tools and sample analyses on impacts of wind power on grids, and to develop case studies to understand how wind power may be included in the competitive pricing of electricity. Fielding a team of three experts, and two supporting experts, RMA conducted a comprehensive study of the Vietnam’s technical standards for grid operations, and developed the draft technical standards. Based on the findings of a well attended workshop, RMA completed the technical standards, and also developed a detailed manual to be used both by the utility (EVN) and the prospective private sector developers.

Vietnam Electricity/International Copper Association
Electricity Utility Planning, Renewable Energy Development