NewsSeminar on Connection of Solar PV to LV Networks

July 24, 2018

In collaboration with RMA and consultants of DFCC Bank, World Energy Council organized a seminar on connection of solar PV to LV networks with the objective of establishing an arena for researchers who are analysing issues of connecting solar PV to LV networks in Sri Lanka, to share their knowledge and harmonize the research activities. The seminar was conducted on 16th July 2018 at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute.

Research groups from Ceylon Electricity Board, University of Moratuwa and University of Peradeniya presented their ongoing work. The audience was consisted with representors from Ceylon Electricity Board, Lanka Electricity Company (Pvt) Ltd., Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority, University of Moratuwa, University of Peradeniya and Asian Development Bank. Dr. Jan Meyer from Technical University of Dresdan, discussed factors which should be considered by researchers when analysing the impact of solar PV electricity generation.