Energy Efficiency & Demand ManagementNational Energy Policy & PlanningStudy on Demand Drivers and Financial Implications in Saudi Arabia

The objective of the study was to examine the variables driving the demand for electricity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to assess options to manage demand with a view to improving the financial performance of Saudi Electricity Company.

The study developed an econometric model of the demand for electricity in the Kingdom, on the basis of actual performance, and used the model along with the official forecast of population and estimated economic growth, to forecast demand for electricity. Impact to the demand for electricity with different demand side management initiatives were analyzed. A dispatch model was developed to dispatch both current and upcoming power plants according to the merit order. With this approach necessity of upcoming power plants were analyzed for the years 2015, 2020 and 2025.

Saudi Electricity Company, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Energy Efficiency & Demand Management, National Energy Policy & Planning