HomeCategoryDue Diligence on Energy Sector Projects

RMA is assisting the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to conduct financial and economic due diligence on investments in electricity transmission infrastructure proposed for ADB financing by the Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB). The PGCB proposes to install 2,540 MVA of 400/230/132 kV transformers, 1,400 MVA of 230/132 kV transformers and 1,710 MVA of 132/33 kV transformers, construction of 400 kV, 230 kV and 132 kV transmission lines, construction and commissioning of 10 bay extensions of 132 kV and build institutional capacity at PGCB under this project.

RMA provided consultancy services to Asian Development Bank (ADB) to conduct due diligence of Dhaka and Western Zone Transmission Grid Expansion Project. The total project cost is $ 730 million and the debt component will be cofinanced by ADB and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Under this Project Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) will construct 15 substations (400/230 kV, 230/132 kV, 230/22 kV and 132/33 kV), 12 transmission lines (392 km) and 10 Line-In Line-Out connections (16 km).

RMA conducted the technical, economic and financial assessment of each project component. A Resettlement Plan and an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) report were prepared covering social and environmental safeguard due diligence.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) appointed Global Group 21 Japan Inc., along with RMA to carry our ex-post evaluation of Vavuniya-Kilinochchi Transmission Line Project. RMA conducted interviews with people, government officers and non profit organizations in Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Jaffna districts which were benefited from the Project to assess the impacts of the Project. Further, an economic evaluation was carried out considering actual costs and benefits related to the Project.

Due diligence on Bangladesh Southwest Transmission Grid Expansion Project was successfully completed by RMA in April 2018. The project consists of construction of Gopalganj (North) 400/132 kV substation, Barisal (North)-Gopalganj (North)-Faridpur 230 kV double circuit transmission line, Bogra (West)-Rohanpur 400 kV double circuit transmission line, 400/230 kV Bogra (West) GIS substation, 400/132 kV Rohanpur GIS substation, Chapainawabganj-Rohanpur 132 kV double circuit transmission line and a set of line-in line-out connection. The total loan of $ 350 million will be provided by the Asian Development Bank.

RMA in association with Entura Hydro Tasmania, conducted the feasibility study and due diligence for 100 MW Wind Power Generation Project in Mannar. The project is funded by the Asian Development Bank and the implementing agency is Ceylon Electricity Board. Under this project following studies were carried out.


·         Assessment of the site wind conditions

·         Noise assessment

·         Shadow flicker assessment

·         Visual amenity assessment

·         Grid connection study

·         Transport and logistic study

·         Legal analysis

·         Financial analysis

·         Economic analysis

·         Action plan for future wind farm development


Construction of the wind farm will be commenced in year 2019 and it will start to serve the national grid by year 2021. 

ADB provides a loan to the Government of Sri Lanka, a sum of US$ 50 million, earmarked for refinancing of loans granted by participating financial institutions to electricity customers and investors to install rooftop solar PV systems. RMA evaluate the economic viability and the financial viability of the project for participating financial institutions, electricity utilities as well as electricity customers. A technical study was carried out to analyze the impact of roof top solar PV integration at low voltage distribution level considering an actual distribution scheme.

Chip Mong Insee Cement Corporation plans to install a rooftop solar photovoltaic electricity generation system at their new cement manufacturing facility in Cambodia. This feasibility study was carried out to assess the technical and regulatory issues related to the project, and to examine the, financial viability. The main outputs of the study are (i) forecast grid electricity tariffs, (ii) project financial viability, and (iii) evaluation of project implementation models.

Working with e.Gen of Bangladesh, RMA was selected to provide consultancy services to the Asian Development Bank for the USD 425 million Tranche 3 of a Multi-tranche Financing Facility to be disbursed in Bangladesh from 2016, and a new USD 540 million loan for approval in 2016 for disbursements in Bangladesh. The project involved a diverse mix of generation, transmission, distribution and metering components, and RMA provided the team leadership, conducted the technical due diligence and social assessment of each component of the project proposed by the Government of Bangladesh.

RMA was selected to provide consultancy services to the Asian Development Bank for the USD 120 million loan to be disbursed in Sri Lanka from 2016.


The project will support,

  • Renewable energy development, comprising new hybrid renewable energy systems in small isolated islands, productive energy use for small isolated islands and rural communities, and a renewable energy based microgrid pilot project.
  • Building new 33 kV distribution lines to improve reliability of supply to existing and new electricity customers.
  • Building new rural electrification schemes and extensions to existing low voltage lines to serve new household customers, inclusive of an energy auditing initiative.
  • Installation of reactive power management devices at Pannipitiya and Biyagama grid substations in order to improve the provision of reactive power closer to load centers in Western Province and to improve the reliability of the transmission system in the event of disturbances.


RMA conducted the technical, economic and financial assessment of each component of the project proposed by the Ceylon Electricity Board. Social and environmental safeguards documents in accordance with ADB guidelines, too, were prepared.

Working with Deloitte of India, RMA was selected to provide consultancy services to the Asian Development Bank for the USD 140 million loan to be disbursed in Sri Lanka from 2013. The project involves a diverse mix of transmission, distribution and energy efficiency components, and RMA is conducting the technical, economic and financial assessment of each component of the project proposed by the Government of Sri Lanka. Social and environmental safeguards documents in accordance with ADB guidelines, too, require to be prepared.