HomeCategoryRenewable Energy Development

RMA in association with Entura Hydro Tasmania, conducted the feasibility study and due diligence for 100 MW Wind Power Generation Project in Mannar. The project is funded by the Asian Development Bank and the implementing agency is Ceylon Electricity Board. Under this project following studies were carried out.


·         Assessment of the site wind conditions

·         Noise assessment

·         Shadow flicker assessment

·         Visual amenity assessment

·         Grid connection study

·         Transport and logistic study

·         Legal analysis

·         Financial analysis

·         Economic analysis

·         Action plan for future wind farm development


Construction of the wind farm will be commenced in year 2019 and it will start to serve the national grid by year 2021. 

ADB provides a loan to the Government of Sri Lanka, a sum of US$ 50 million, earmarked for refinancing of loans granted by participating financial institutions to electricity customers and investors to install rooftop solar PV systems. RMA evaluate the economic viability and the financial viability of the project for participating financial institutions, electricity utilities as well as electricity customers. A technical study was carried out to analyze the impact of roof top solar PV integration at low voltage distribution level considering an actual distribution scheme.

Chip Mong Insee Cement Corporation plans to install a rooftop solar photovoltaic electricity generation system at their new cement manufacturing facility in Cambodia. This feasibility study was carried out to assess the technical and regulatory issues related to the project, and to examine the, financial viability. The main outputs of the study are (i) forecast grid electricity tariffs, (ii) project financial viability, and (iii) evaluation of project implementation models.

Harnessing of small hydropower for industrial applications was started in Sri Lanka as early as the late nineteenth century. Over 500 such plants provided the motive power required for the expanding tea industry during the colonial era. With the expansion of the national electricity grid, these plants started fading away from the industrial scene beginning around 1950.

In 1992, Ceylon Electricity Board authorised the grid-connected operation of small hydropower plants with an attractive buy-back price. This marked the resurgence of small hydropower development in Sri Lanka creating a new private sector power industry. Small hydropower development has been gathering momentum since then, adding nearly 110 MW to the system to date.

RMA provided consulting services to a number of small hydropower developers in preparing feasibility studies and engineering designs. Following are some of the schemes where RMA participated as the Consultant.


 Arslena Mini Hydro 900 kW
 Kolapathana Mini Hydro 600 kW
 Kakunagahadola Mini Hydro 550 kW
 Delmar Mini Hydro 320 kW

RMA served as the Bank’s Consultant to the Commercial Bank of Ceylon who financed the 1.2 MW Watawala Mini Hydro plant.

RMA as the lead consultant, in partnership with Mercados Energy Markets India Private Limited, is preparing a renewable energy development master plan for Sri Lanka, a wind park master plan for Mannar, and a business model for Mannar wind parks for the Ministry of Power & Energy of Sri Lanka with financial assistance provided by Asian Development Bank.

This is a comprehensive study on renewable energy resource availability, and on the technical limitations of the national grid which are causing barriers for integrating renewable resource-based power generation. RMA team will then develop the 15-year national master plan to accelerate power generation from renewable resources. The study includes the development of a comprehensive Master Plan for wind power development in the Mannar district in northern Sri Lanka, and the development of a business model to attract investments for wind power development.


Vietnam is planning to build 1000 MW of wind power capacity by year 2020. The country requires a detailed study on (i) evaluation of technical impacts on the grid, (ii) technical standards for the interconnection, and (iii) the integration of wind power into the emerging competitive market. RMA was selected through a competitive process to conduct study (ii) and to develop a detailed review of (i) analysis tools and sample analyses on impacts of wind power on grids, and to develop case studies to understand how wind power may be included in the competitive pricing of electricity. Fielding a team of three experts, and two supporting experts, RMA conducted a comprehensive study of the Vietnam’s technical standards for grid operations, and developed the draft technical standards. Based on the findings of a well attended workshop, RMA completed the technical standards, and also developed a detailed manual to be used both by the utility (EVN) and the prospective private sector developers.

The Asian Development Bank appointed RMA in December 2011 to assess the wind and solar potential and to map the resource in the north western and southern areas of Sri Lanka by way of on-site measurements and comprehensive mapping of the resource. This 18-month study will develop investment-quality wind resource data to be used for the next phase of wind power development in Sri Lanka, that will most likely develop 100 MW of wind capacity between 2014-2020. The solar resource assessment study being conducted by RMA would establish investment grade information on the resource, which would be used by the Government and the private sector to develop power generation facilities in the future. RMA’s sub-consultant for this study is Geonet of Germany.

The work included evaluation of proposals from Universities for support to develop new capacity building programs, and from companies to conduct feasibility studies on biomass and wind power plants.
RMA’s lead consultant worked as the Team Leader (International) of the three member team, conducted a comprehensive evaluation of proposals received from six universities for initiating a new course for in-house and external students, on subjects and themes related to electricity production from renewable energy sources. Five proposals from companies for support for the conducting of feasibility studies on wind and biomass power plants were evaluated. Reviewed the evaluation methodology and comprehensively revised it, and completed the evaluation and the report. A workshop too was conducted for applicants to the round 2 of the feasibility study financing facility.

Working on the invitation by the Ministry of Power and Energy in Sri Lanka (on a honorary basis), senior consultant of RMA played a lead role in a Working Group to review the policy of pricing small power developer inputs to the national grid. Conducted numerous scenario analyses under avoided cost-based and technology-based tariff options, and developed reports, analysed documents and presentations. Conducted many stakeholder seminars over 2007-9, including those for investors/developers, to discuss optional pricing policies and results of calculations. Analysed the tariff impacts on utility finances and impacts on customers. Sri Lanka has since moved, in 2008, from the previously avoided-cost based pricing policy to a technology-specific, cost-reflective, tiered tariff policy, and currently experiences an accelerated development of renewable energy-based small power developments.