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The Asian Development Bank appointed RMA in December 2011 to assess the wind and solar potential and to map the resource in the north western and southern areas of Sri Lanka by way of on-site measurements and comprehensive mapping of the resource. This 18-month study will develop investment-quality wind resource data to be used for the next phase of wind power development in Sri Lanka, that will most likely develop 100 MW of wind capacity between 2014-2020. The solar resource assessment study being conducted by RMA would establish investment grade information on the resource, which would be used by the Government and the private sector to develop power generation facilities in the future. RMA’s sub-consultant for this study is Geonet of Germany.

Working together with MECADOS Energy Markets, RMA provides technical and regulatory support to establish new rules and regulations, to streamline the licensing of electricity system operators, authorized persons to design and implement electricity distribution systems, labeling of appliances for energy efficiency, and to develop a system of evaluation for proposals from private entities to generate electricity in various islands.


This project is to build capacity with the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) and the Transmission/Distribution Licensees to implement tariff and other regulatory measures, since the implementation of the new regulatory regime under the Sri Lanka Electricity Act 2009. RMA provides counterpart services and hands-on support to PUCSL in the development and implementation of the Tariff Methodology, other allowed charges, revenue filing by licensees and analysis, support for conducting public consultations, development of end-use customer tariffs, development of codes for retail services, distribution and grid operations. The work also includes the development of a tariff reform and subsidy rebalancing road map to return the loss-making power industry to profitability by year 2015. RMA staff developed Distribution and Grid codes for Sri Lanka.

RMA’s senior consultant conducted an analysis and developed the lessons learned on the Vietnam’s System Efficiency Improvement, Equitization and Renewable (SEIER) project. The project aim was to develop or rehabilitate small community based renewable energy projects. Also conducted an assessment of the progress on the Small Power Development (SPD) program in Vietnam, identifying the gaps, information and regulatory requirements to further accelerate the SPD projects. Conducted a 10-day visit for a 15-member delegation from Vietnam to Sri Lanka, to study Sri Lanka’s small power development program, with deep insight into the issues related to licensing, resource allocation, pricing, and technical issues of the program.

Working on the invitation by the Ministry of Power and Energy in Sri Lanka (on a honorary basis), senior consultant of RMA played a lead role in a Working Group to review the policy of pricing small power developer inputs to the national grid. Conducted numerous scenario analyses under avoided cost-based and technology-based tariff options, and developed reports, analysed documents and presentations. Conducted many stakeholder seminars over 2007-9, including those for investors/developers, to discuss optional pricing policies and results of calculations. Analysed the tariff impacts on utility finances and impacts on customers. Sri Lanka has since moved, in 2008, from the previously avoided-cost based pricing policy to a technology-specific, cost-reflective, tiered tariff policy, and currently experiences an accelerated development of renewable energy-based small power developments.

This project preparatory technical assistance was to formulate the next ADB loan for the Sri Lanka Energy Sector, consisting of transmission, distribution, renewable energy and energy efficiency sub-projects, amounting to an estimated investment of USD 120 million. In association with AECOM of New Zealand, RMA provided expert assessment of transmission options and distribution strengthening requirements, rural electrification project formulation, requirements for distribution strengthening for the absorption of renewable energy to the national grid, and assessment of other renewable energy and energy efficiency interventions required. RMA successfully prepared the application for the Clean Energy Finance Partnership Facility of Japan/ADB, to finance a DSM pilot project in lighting, an appliance testing laboratory to launch the energy efficiency appliance labelling regulations, and for conducting of energy audit training. In parallel, the ADB loan project includes a credit line for the rehabilitation of micro-hydro projects in estates for grid connection under net metering rules recently announced by Sri Lanka.

The project formulated by the joint AECOM-RMA team has since been approved by ADB and is presently being implemented in Sri Lanka.

RMA’s senior consultants worked as a part of the international team to assist the Tanzania Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEM) and the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Commission (EWURA) to develop and establish the pricing policy for grid connected and mini-grid based small power plants that use renewable energy, and to develop the technical guidelines for grid connection of embedded generators. Conducted several seminars and workshops in Tanzania for developers, utility engineers, ministry officials and regulatory staff, to discuss optional tariff setting mechanisms, and to present the proposed tariffs and technical guidelines. The policies, pricing methodology and technical guidelines developed by the RMA consultants have since been implemented in Tanzania.

In association with ICNet of Tokyo Japan, RMA conducted ex-post evaluation of three JICA-funded projects completed in Sri Lanka over the past five years.

(a) Power sector reform project
(b) Medium voltage distribution project
(c) Transmission and substations development project.

The work was conducted in accordance with the JICA rules laid out for such ex-post evaluation of projects. RMA conducted analysis of completed projects, examining their present status of operation and problems in operation and maintenance. RMA also developed the financial and economic models for (b) and (c) to assess the impacts of the investments on the economy and CEB.

RMA was selected by ADB to work in association with Hydro Tasmania of Australia, to formulate the bank’s next investment project in Sri Lanka. The project was to strengthen the power sub-transmission network by establishing five grid substation, building new 33 kV lines and providing electricity services to a further 400 villages. The value of the project was targeted at USD 70 million.

The role of RMA was to conduct analysis of the performance of the existing MV network throughout the country, and identify weak areas by way of poor voltage regulation and reliability. RMA conducted extensive customer and network surveys, measurements and modelling, to identify the problems in the network and provide an initial overview to the ADB about the performance of projects previously funded by the bank. Thereafter, RMA liaised with the utility to critically review the technical performance of the MV network, conduct simulations and develop a long-list of projects. Through a screening process, the projects were prioritised and short-listed to be included in the project. The performance of the each grid substation and MV line proposed was modeled and its performance was verified.

In December 2002 Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) requested proposals from the private sector for establishing a 20 MW wind power plant on Build, Own and Operate basis. Senok Trade Combine Limited, which is one of the short-listed companies, contracted RMA to conduct necessary studies and prepare the technical and financial proposals for submission to CEB.

RMA conducted detailed wind data analysis using site-specific short-term wind measurements and long-term wind data from a nearby meteorological station to evaluate the site wind energy potential. Using the power curves of several wind turbine generators, RMA established the optimum machine and layout for the site. RMA also carried out the design of the 26 km long 33 kV transmission line and costing of civil works as per manufacturer’s foundation designs.

RMA conducted detailed financial analysis on the project and assisted the client to arrive at a competitive tariff.